Today is National Macaroon Day! Macaroons are cookies made without flour. They were made a long time ago by italian monks, but became a popular addition to passover meals. They are also very delicious. I really don't know how to convince you to celebrate this holiday, because it you have to be convinced to eat a cookie, there is something wrong with you that I can not fix. Macaroons are by no means rare, so if you can't cook, then you can pick some up at almost any grocery store. So go out and get some already!
Thanks for reading!
Today's title is brought to you by my lack of writing skills today. So... over... done... *dies a little inside*
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Monday, May 30, 2011
Mobius Logic
Today is My Bucket's Got A Hole In It Day! In case you are unaware of the song that today is based off of, follow this link to give it a quick listen. I'll wait for you to get back.
Done? Okay.
As you can tell, this is one of those songs made to annoy the listener, and staying true to the style, it can very easily be looped. This is even worse than "I know a song that gets on everybody's nerves" because THIS song has a problem that could very easily be solved. Unfortunately for the problem, two people who can't solve a problem if their buckets depended on it are trying to do the solving. This song was made in germany, though, and if there's anything I know about german children's stories its that they portray stupid or haughty children getting into stupidly painful (or in this case painfully stupid) predicaments or deaths. So I suppose, in a way, it could be seen as a warning to not be so incredibly dumb as to not see that you are making the problem an endless loop of anti-progress.
You can celebrate today one of two ways.
1) DON'T make your problems worse by being so unknowledgeable that you just get caught in an endless cycle of 'square-ones'. Eventually you won't even know the original problem. (Wait... were we cutting hay or sharpening a knife? Why is this rock so dry and why do I care?)
2) You can totally do that.
Thanks for reading!
Done? Okay.
As you can tell, this is one of those songs made to annoy the listener, and staying true to the style, it can very easily be looped. This is even worse than "I know a song that gets on everybody's nerves" because THIS song has a problem that could very easily be solved. Unfortunately for the problem, two people who can't solve a problem if their buckets depended on it are trying to do the solving. This song was made in germany, though, and if there's anything I know about german children's stories its that they portray stupid or haughty children getting into stupidly painful (or in this case painfully stupid) predicaments or deaths. So I suppose, in a way, it could be seen as a warning to not be so incredibly dumb as to not see that you are making the problem an endless loop of anti-progress.
You can celebrate today one of two ways.
1) DON'T make your problems worse by being so unknowledgeable that you just get caught in an endless cycle of 'square-ones'. Eventually you won't even know the original problem. (Wait... were we cutting hay or sharpening a knife? Why is this rock so dry and why do I care?)
2) You can totally do that.
Thanks for reading!
Sunday, May 29, 2011
Greeking Out
Today is The End Of The Middle Ages Day! Celebrating the day that is considered to be the end of the middle ages by most scholars (May 29th, 1453), today is meant to mark the anniversary of the fall of the Ottoman Empire. There are quite a fews ways to celebrate it. You could go to a renaissance festival, which would have a plethora of ways to have old timey fun. You could celebrate the day by learning more about the time period of the middle ages up to and slightly past its ending. However, a stroke of luck happened today for me. Some of my friends were going to eat at a greek restaurant, and the end of the middle ages is when greek scholars migrated around the known world spreading their knowledge. It is unknown to me if my friends knew that they were celebrating the holiday, and I should have probably brought it up, as I have discussed the holidays with some of them before. It isn't easy to talk when you are eating a delicious gyro sandwich, though. I also tried fried calamari for the first time. How does every blog post turn into something about food? I'm sorry... No I'm not, actually. Food is awesome. Especially greek food.
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Thanks for reading!
Saturday, May 28, 2011
I'll Gladly Pay You Tuesday
Today is National Hamburger Day! What makes today so great, in my opinion, is how simple it is. It's not 1/2 pound angus burger with no onions on a wheat bun day. No, it's hamburger day. It's have it like you want it day. There are plenty of burger places that cater to that exact mentality, too. In-N-Out, Sonic, Whataburger, Five Guys, Mooyah... the list goes one. You could even grill some up at home. That's what's so great about today. So spend today with some family or friends and pick a meal to celebrate one of the greatest and most customizable main dishes on this side of the universe.
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Thanks for Reading!
Friday, May 27, 2011
Body of Work.
Today is the Body Painting Arts Festival! While I did find a lot of information on body painting festivals, I didn't find anything telling me why today is a day dedicated to it. But I can still explain what it is! Body painting is usually when some removes most (if not all) of their clothes, and then paints their body. It can be anything from just one solid colour to something more elaborate like animal patterns or replicas of famous works of art. People usually do it for a reason or cause, but it can also be seen at very fancy (I use that word loosely), expensive, V.I.P., on-the-list-only type of parties. You usually use a specific kind of body paint, but I do not have that available to me. What I DO have available to me is paint that I'm going to paint my room with. Usually I avoid having paint fall on even so much as my fingers when I paint, but seeing as I'm so full of the holiday spirit, I suppose I won't avoid it as much today.
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Thanks for reading!
Thursday, May 26, 2011
See Sally Fly
Today is Sally Ride Day! Today celebrates the birthday of the first woman to go into space, Sally Ride. She was on board the second flight of the shuttle "Challenger" as a mission specialist on June 18th, 1983. There was a fairly massive media frenzy due to her being the first to break into that territory. I have to think that the greatness of her doings were undermined by some, though. There was one reporter who, before the launch, asked her "Do you weep when things go wrong on the job?" But aside from some reporters inability to see the more important aspects of the situation, I'm sure the day will live on along with the legacy she left. Celebrate today by learning a little bit more about space or the space program!
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Thanks for reading!
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Untapped Potential
Today is National Tap Dance Day! Today was made in honor of Bill "Bojangles" Robinson, who is probably best known for his dancing with Shirley Temple. Tap dancing has always been something that I've wanted to be able to do. When I was bored as a child I would stomp around trying to make a beat, and when i found out about tap dancing via the Cosby show, I started trying to lightly tap my feet around our kitchen's hardwood floors. It doesn't work too well with sneakers and no training, though. Then, when we went to the movies, there was a "Celebrity Trivia Fact" about Jim Carrey saying that he used to wear tap shoes to bed just in case his parents needed cheering up in the middle of the night. Jim was pretty much my favourite actor, and actually probably still is, so that was a huge boost in my want to learn how to tap. Perhaps someday I'll be able to have the time and money to try out some classes, but for now I'll just have to stick to tapping with my sneakers.
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Thanks for reading!
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Bon Appétit
Today is National Escargot Day! If you are like me, when you hear 'escargot' you think something to the effect of "Ew! What? Thats a French thing, right? I couldn't ever eat snails! Well, maybe I could... Wait no! ... maybe?". Then you start a whole inner conflict about whether or not you could. Well, if you were to ever choose a time to eat escargot, today would be the day. I mean, if you look at it in perspective, think about how much that will widen your horizons in the culinary sense. At the very least, you'll be able to give an honest opinion next time it's brought up in conversation. Hey, you may even like it! Yeah! You know what? I'm doing this. I am finding a place that serves escargot and eating it TODAY! I might look for some friends willing to go with me, though. This isn't something you do by yourself. The more the merrier.
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Thanks for reading!
Monday, May 23, 2011
Two Cents On Pennies
Today is Lucky Penny Day! Pennies aren't exactly worth what they used to be, as anybody who has ever been younger than anyone has been told constantly throughout their life. People have even talked about discontinuing them! That would be horrible! That's 1/4 of the world's good luck gone! The other 3/4 being 4-leaf clovers, rabbits feet, and horseshoes, of course. Sure, pennies don't exactly buy you candy anymore, but dimes haven't gotten me a soda lately either! So there! And what's up with arcade games being a whole dollar for one play? ...This is off-topic.
Lucky pennies are found in one place and in on manner. The ground and face-up. No, a penny with your birth year on it is not lucky just on that merit. Keepsake for a kitschy family project? Sure, but not lucky. No, a penny you find in a treasure chest isn't lucky. It's currency. By the way, your treasure hunts sound kinda weak if that's what you're pulling out of the sea. ONLY a penny found face-up on the ground is a "Lucky Penny".
You see, when a penny has charged it's luck up to a point where it feels sufficiently lucky, it jumps out of it's home in our pockets and purses in order to find it's own fortune. It lands on the ground face-up to signify to the next observant person that it is, in fact, lucky. Now, there are several ways to tell HOW lucky it is.
The first rule is: The shinier, the better. Why? Because that means it has so far been lucky enough to not run into any major troubles. with this rule comes the fact that you may just find a very young shiny penny. Those are mostly good for one lucky thing, as they were impetuous in their youth and thought themselves ready before they truly were. Hold onto them to see what small good thing happens, but don't expect too much from them, as they are a bit foolhardy. However, old shiny pennies are immensely lucky. Having obviously charged their luck for years in some sating lined wallet, they know exactly what they're doing. The danger comes when you find a scratched, worn, rusted, old penny face-up. It dares you to pick it up and accept it's challenge. Oh, sure. It's old. It's lucky. But it likes the risky road. It will make sure you DESERVE it's luck. Some of the scratches on it look almost as inhuman as Lincoln's visage on it's face. The ruins of the memorial on the back look almost apocalyptic. Sometimes, it is hard to tell whether you picked up a penny or a blackened copper disc. But what fun is luck if it falls into your lap? No, it's better to earn it. To have it thrown at you at high velocity along with a little bit of trial and a dash of fear just to see if you can handle the power of the penny! ... ...
... That got out of hand fast and I apologize.
Thanks for reading!
Lucky pennies are found in one place and in on manner. The ground and face-up. No, a penny with your birth year on it is not lucky just on that merit. Keepsake for a kitschy family project? Sure, but not lucky. No, a penny you find in a treasure chest isn't lucky. It's currency. By the way, your treasure hunts sound kinda weak if that's what you're pulling out of the sea. ONLY a penny found face-up on the ground is a "Lucky Penny".
You see, when a penny has charged it's luck up to a point where it feels sufficiently lucky, it jumps out of it's home in our pockets and purses in order to find it's own fortune. It lands on the ground face-up to signify to the next observant person that it is, in fact, lucky. Now, there are several ways to tell HOW lucky it is.
The first rule is: The shinier, the better. Why? Because that means it has so far been lucky enough to not run into any major troubles. with this rule comes the fact that you may just find a very young shiny penny. Those are mostly good for one lucky thing, as they were impetuous in their youth and thought themselves ready before they truly were. Hold onto them to see what small good thing happens, but don't expect too much from them, as they are a bit foolhardy. However, old shiny pennies are immensely lucky. Having obviously charged their luck for years in some sating lined wallet, they know exactly what they're doing. The danger comes when you find a scratched, worn, rusted, old penny face-up. It dares you to pick it up and accept it's challenge. Oh, sure. It's old. It's lucky. But it likes the risky road. It will make sure you DESERVE it's luck. Some of the scratches on it look almost as inhuman as Lincoln's visage on it's face. The ruins of the memorial on the back look almost apocalyptic. Sometimes, it is hard to tell whether you picked up a penny or a blackened copper disc. But what fun is luck if it falls into your lap? No, it's better to earn it. To have it thrown at you at high velocity along with a little bit of trial and a dash of fear just to see if you can handle the power of the penny! ... ...
... That got out of hand fast and I apologize.
Thanks for reading!
Sunday, May 22, 2011
76 Trombones
Today is Buy A Musical Instrument Day! It should be really obvious what you need to do today, so I'm just going to skip ahead to what I wanted to do, why I couldn't, and what I did instead. I really desired to buy a ukulele, but those are slightly too expensive for a poor southern boy such as myself. I found out about the existence of mandolins again, and I actually COULD afford one, and also liked the sound better than ukulele. However by "could afford one" I mean that it would be about all I could afford. I wouldn't even be able to buy a pack of gum if I bought one right now. So I of course, settled for the next best thing! A Mandolin app on the iPhone. It wasn't free ($1.99), so it TOTALLY counts as buying an instrument... right? Anyway, I'll be playing with it until I can afford the real thing without plunging myself into the red.
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Thanks for reading!
Saturday, May 21, 2011
Notes and Tips
Today is National Memo Day! Today is a day to know the importance of making, checking, and even sending those short little messages that tell you everything you need to know that day. So spend today with a pad of Post-Its on hand and write as many memos as you want. Go ahead. Jot until your hearts content. Send memos to other people in your workplace or leave notes on the fridge for your family. Write a memo on your hand if you're in junior high or on the side of your notes/doodles if you are in senior high. Even your computer has a memo program! Thats right! Huh? No, it's actually completely separate from your normal text editing program. Yes! There is a text editor devoted solely to memo making! I know! I don't know why they didn't just add it in to another one. Well, you should take it up with them, I don't represent their company. Look, just write it down somewhere so you remember, I have another holiday to talk about.
Today is also National Waitresses/Waiters Day! Now I don't know about you, but the waiting staff pretty much makes or breaks the meal when I'm out eating with my friends and/or family. I can safely say I've had one or two rude ones in my time, but over all my experiences with them have been good and even fun sometimes. Honestly, the kind of service you get directly reflects how you treat them, so if you are rude, don't expect them to be running back to you every time your drink is half gone. You SHOULD be nice to them every day, but if you aren't, make an exception for today. Be kind and for goodness sake, don't complicate things with crazy orders that don't make sense. It might be nice if you told them what today was and had fun mini-conversations with them every time they came around. The wait staff has the funniest stories about other customers and experiences they've had. So talk to 'em! And leave a larger than necessary tip! Leave a memo telling them how cool they are, too. That'd be nice.
Thanks for reading!
Today is also National Waitresses/Waiters Day! Now I don't know about you, but the waiting staff pretty much makes or breaks the meal when I'm out eating with my friends and/or family. I can safely say I've had one or two rude ones in my time, but over all my experiences with them have been good and even fun sometimes. Honestly, the kind of service you get directly reflects how you treat them, so if you are rude, don't expect them to be running back to you every time your drink is half gone. You SHOULD be nice to them every day, but if you aren't, make an exception for today. Be kind and for goodness sake, don't complicate things with crazy orders that don't make sense. It might be nice if you told them what today was and had fun mini-conversations with them every time they came around. The wait staff has the funniest stories about other customers and experiences they've had. So talk to 'em! And leave a larger than necessary tip! Leave a memo telling them how cool they are, too. That'd be nice.
Thanks for reading!
Friday, May 20, 2011
'Enry 'Iggins
Today is Eliza Doolittle Day! When I saw this on my list, I KNEW it rang a bell, but googling the name didn't really help until I used the context of the day. Eliza Doolittle is Audrey Hepburn's character from the film "My Fair Lady" (Which you should go watch if you haven't ever seen it). There is a scene in this film in which Eliza becomes so enraged with her mentor that she sings a very catchy song about getting revenge on him, and in her fantasy, the king proclaims the 20th of May to be Eliza Doolittle Day.
The obvious way to celebrate this holiday, is to get revenge on your least favourite mentor practice english. Or you could eat a lot of chocolates and watch "My Fair Lady". Audrey would surely approve.
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The obvious way to celebrate this holiday, is to
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Blog of Nonsense [Un-lost Post]
This post was originally for the 12th, but Blogger had some problems and lost it. I explained this on the post for May 13th. Just today, I found the draft had been placed back in my post list, so here is the original.
Today is Limerick Day! Edward Lear, the writer who made limericks a cool thing to write, was born today in 1812. Today celebrates his contributions to writing, namely his book Book of Nonsense, since that was the title that popularized the limerick. A limerick is a five-line poem with a rhyming scheme of AABBA. That means that the first, second, and fifth lines rhyme with each other, while the third and fourth rhyme with themselves. I wrote a limerick back in my high school days that I am still quite proud of.
"I once was the world's greatest poet,
Though many of you didn't know it.
But I've hit my head
On the edge of my bed,
And now I can no longer rhyme."
Classic me. So spend today coming up with your own limerick, or find some good limericks to read. If you want to really celebrate hardcore, try only speaking in limericks.
Thanks for reading!
Today is Limerick Day! Edward Lear, the writer who made limericks a cool thing to write, was born today in 1812. Today celebrates his contributions to writing, namely his book Book of Nonsense, since that was the title that popularized the limerick. A limerick is a five-line poem with a rhyming scheme of AABBA. That means that the first, second, and fifth lines rhyme with each other, while the third and fourth rhyme with themselves. I wrote a limerick back in my high school days that I am still quite proud of.
"I once was the world's greatest poet,
Though many of you didn't know it.
But I've hit my head
On the edge of my bed,
And now I can no longer rhyme."
Classic me. So spend today coming up with your own limerick, or find some good limericks to read. If you want to really celebrate hardcore, try only speaking in limericks.
Thanks for reading!
Thursday, May 19, 2011
Rosie The Ribeter
Today is Frog Jumping Jubilee Day! Today is a celebration that is known for being held in Calaveras County. They have frogs compete to see who's frog can jump the best. The grand prize is $5,000 dollars, which in my opinion is well worth the months of trying to train a frog. However, with my not knowing where to find a frog around where I live (and my non-existent ability to train one), I fear I will be unable to participate in the competition! I can however, watch videos of past races or even just videos of frogs jumping. In slow motion. Like they have on discovery channel. I will also jump more often than I normally do today. That should about cover it, right?
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Thanks for reading!
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Monet Makes The World Go 'Round.
Today is International Museum Day! Thousands of museums participate in this day by having some sort of event acknowledging the important role of art, history, and science in culture. I could not find one of these museums near me that I could afford, but I DID go to a museum and snap some pics. Here ya go!
So spend some time enjoying and appreciating a museum or even just one piece of art/time of history/facet of science today. It's easy, fun, and I had a nice 2 hour walk around town looking at awesome stuff! Have fun!
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So spend some time enjoying and appreciating a museum or even just one piece of art/time of history/facet of science today. It's easy, fun, and I had a nice 2 hour walk around town looking at awesome stuff! Have fun!
Thanks for reading!
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Mt. Nostalgia
Today is Pack Rat Day! I learned on May 10th's holiday that I was a very large pack rat. So many of the things I own are useful only for instigating nostalgia. However, the title of today's holiday could mean I should celebrate it in one of two possible ways. One: I clean up my hoard, or Two: I embrace my inner pack rat and do absolutely nothing about it. See, After I cleaned my room, I rearranged it completely. As in, everything was moved to another part of the house and brought back in. The problem is, everything but my bed is now in a pile of disarray due to some of my furniture breaking. Until I get a new desk at the very least, most of the things will remain stacked according to their size/purpose. I also bought containers to fill with the things I still wanted, but didn't want in my room. However, due to my not wanting to do work today and the fact that the car I put the containers in is gone for the day, I think I'll celebrate today by not doing anything about my hoard. Maybe I'll even add to it.
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Thanks for reading!
Monday, May 16, 2011
Aliens LOVE Purple
Today is Wear Purple For Peace Day! My extensive three pages of google research tells me that today is a day to wear purple for a very special kind of peace: Intergalactic. That's right! For years, aliens have been watching our horribly cruel ways, and this is the only thing that keeps them from making contact with us. The remedy is, of course, to wear purple. You may not be aware of this, but I just drew myself up a degree in Alien Colourography (Pictured Below).
Purple is the universal colour for signifying that the location at which the purple is found has an undeniable and unquestionable peace. After seeing purple in mass quantities, such as the Purple Plateau in Pennsylvania, they will forget all about our past wrong-doings and come down to earth and bestow upon us the "Essence of Purple". They've given us a taste of this essence before as you can see here:
Purple is the universal colour for signifying that the location at which the purple is found has an undeniable and unquestionable peace. After seeing purple in mass quantities, such as the Purple Plateau in Pennsylvania, they will forget all about our past wrong-doings and come down to earth and bestow upon us the "Essence of Purple". They've given us a taste of this essence before as you can see here:
Hopefully if we all wear enough purple, they'll visit us soon. My crayon doesn't fit in the sharpener anymore.
Thanks for reading!
Sunday, May 15, 2011
Goes Great With Everything.
Today is Chocolate Chip Day! Chocolate chips are to thanks for some of the best cookies, cakes, muffins, and most importantly: cookie cakes. They are one of the only key ingredients in some of the best baked goods (by best baked goods, I mean anything with chocolate) that can also be eaten as a snack. In fact, chocolate chip cookies, if made from scratch, are the only thing I know I can make and snack on during almost every step of the baking process. From dough to done, it's all good. So celebrate today by grabbing a bag of chocolate chips and eating as many as you can allow yourself before feeling sick/guilty.
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Thanks for reading!
Saturday, May 14, 2011
Early Bird Gets the Earworm
Today is Dance Like A Chicken Day! I like to imagine that all the peoples of the world know this dance by heart. It's played at many social events to "break the ice" or "get things started" or "make everyone equally foolish looking so that we are all on the same playing field by the end". I've heard that, along with the Cupid Shuffle and organ music, it's also popular at weddings. Why? I dunno. Probably for the same reasons PLUS the memory making capability. This song burns itself and any moment you dance to it into your brain forever. So today, take some time out of your day to dance like a chicken. Your worries will flow away like water off a duck's chicken's back.
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Thanks for reading!
Friday, May 13, 2011
Leprechauns Wrecked My Blog
Today is Leprechaun Day! Most people throw leprechauns into their St. Patrick's Day celebration in March, but these crazy little guys deserve their own day. There is a plethora of different kinds of leprechauns from kind and child-loving to cruel and mass-murdering. You can celebrate today by hanging out with any quirky, short, red-headed people you know, OR you can spend the day in search of gold. Go buy a small pot and put a bunch of dollar coins in it! (Dollar coins are about as close as you can get to real gold coins on short notice).
Also, yesterday was Limerick Day, butleprechauns blogger seemed to invade the internet have technical difficulties and has absconded with my creative writings deleted my post about it. I would re-write it all if I remembered what I had written, but just know that it was and will be a day to write/read limericks. A limerick has a rhyme scheme of AABBA, which means lines 1,2, and 5 should rhyme while 3 and 4 have a separate rhyme. Here's my favorite limerick I've ever written:
"I once was the world's greatest poet,
Though many of you didn't know it.
But I hit my head
On the edge of my bed,
And now I can no longer rhyme." - Kyle
Thanks for reading!
Also, yesterday was Limerick Day, but
"I once was the world's greatest poet,
Though many of you didn't know it.
But I hit my head
On the edge of my bed,
And now I can no longer rhyme." - Kyle
Thanks for reading!
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
I Want to Eat a Cornfield.
Today is Eat What You Want Day! Being in college, I can't really say that this isn't what I already do every day. however, for those of you that are at an age where you usually aren't the decider of your meals, take advantage of today! Go to a place where you can be creative. Subway lets you make your own sandwhich, Whataburger lets you make your own burger, Chipotle allows creativity in your burrito, and there are countless ice cream and yogurt stores that let you decide everything to which/how many flavours and which/how many toppings you want. In fact, try to go to as many create-your-own-food places as you can today. I think I'm just going to have cereal, though, because that is quite frankly what I want right now.
Today is also Twilight Zone Day! Possibly one of the best t.v. shows of all time, Twilight Zone is still good and scary today because it uses things that are universal (most of the time). Before I get to into this, let me just say: We are talking about the old, good, classic Twilight Zone, alright? None of that new 2002 now-in-color stuff. The old Twilight Zone had such classics in it's repertoire, that almost every other show worth it's salt has taken aspects of it for parodies or references. I used to watch Twilight Zone with my mother whenever she would find a station playing it, and if there's one thing I learned from it all, it's that there is ALWAYS a Twilight Zone marathon on some channel somewhere. So, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go eat cereal while watching the "Time Enough at Last" episode.
Thanks for reading!
It was incredibly hard to come up with a title for this. Why wasn't there a Twilight Zone about food?!?! Anyways I apologize for the lackluster title.
Today is also Twilight Zone Day! Possibly one of the best t.v. shows of all time, Twilight Zone is still good and scary today because it uses things that are universal (most of the time). Before I get to into this, let me just say: We are talking about the old, good, classic Twilight Zone, alright? None of that new 2002 now-in-color stuff. The old Twilight Zone had such classics in it's repertoire, that almost every other show worth it's salt has taken aspects of it for parodies or references. I used to watch Twilight Zone with my mother whenever she would find a station playing it, and if there's one thing I learned from it all, it's that there is ALWAYS a Twilight Zone marathon on some channel somewhere. So, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go eat cereal while watching the "Time Enough at Last" episode.
Thanks for reading!
It was incredibly hard to come up with a title for this. Why wasn't there a Twilight Zone about food?!?! Anyways I apologize for the lackluster title.
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Mt. Falderal
Today is Clean Up Your Room Day! Today has finally come, and I feel a strange combination of excitement and indigestion. Knowing that there was a holiday dedicated to cleaning my room, I've spent at LEAST a month not cleaning it. Needless to say, the effects of that have piled up quite literally. This isn't any kind of normal messy room. This is worse than it has ever been. There's trash, books, papers, receipts, dishes, laundry, and possibly even small pieces of furniture that have been gathering in lumps. Today is the day that I have to force myself to wade through it all and clean up this mountainous mess. The only thing that will keep me going is the knowledge that I will no longer have only two "safe step zones" when I'm done. Wish me luck.
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Thanks for reading!
Monday, May 9, 2011
Helping Socks
Today is Lost Sock Memorial Day! This is a loss that we can all relate to. Sure, yesterday without socks was fun, but what if they all went missing? Hundreds, possibly even thousands of socks are lost every day. How have we overlooked such a tragic fact for so long? Whether they were lost during a routine load of laundry, a pet has stolen it a way to some unknown place, or a they've simply slipped into another place in time/space, we can no longer simply ignore their plight. Today is a day to remember all of your lost socks. Take some time out of your day to look for them or console the other sock. Who are they to work with now? The socks are still an unfortunately racist community, as two different colors in a pair are still looked down upon. Most socks without their other half are simply half-matched with another brand or even thrown away! Take time today and find out what you can do to fight against lost socks.
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Thanks for reading!
Sunday, May 8, 2011
I Want to Give the World a Sock.
Today is No Socks Day! Today is a day to let your feet breath a little easier, while possibly hindering YOUR breathing depending on how thorough of a foot washer you are. Wear shoes with no socks or just no shoes at all! You won't have to do as much laundry the next day, and you won't slip and fall on hardwood floors nearly as much, either! ... Is that... just me who does that? Well, fine then. I still say that wearing socks on hard wood can be risky business.
Today is also Have a Coke Day! If there were ever a combination of holidays that perfectly suits my desires, this is one of them. Drinking a Coca-Cola (Yes, Coke is Coca-Cola, the other ones are Sodas) with no socks on is one of the few pure pleasures in life. Coke comes in many flavours, sizes, and varieties (much the same as socks... hopefully sans flavour). So go grab a can/cup/bottle/mug/liter/jug of your favourite kind of Coke (Hint: It's Original), wriggle out of your socks (it's hard to kick socks off, plus i wanted to save the verb 'kick' for this next step, and kick (see?) back/relax to truly enjoy the day.
Thanks for reading!
Vanilla Coke and Lime Coke are also acceptable choices. Diet, too I guess. My dad tells me that Coke and Diet Coke are outselling regular Pepsi. Fun fact?
Today is also Have a Coke Day! If there were ever a combination of holidays that perfectly suits my desires, this is one of them. Drinking a Coca-Cola (Yes, Coke is Coca-Cola, the other ones are Sodas) with no socks on is one of the few pure pleasures in life. Coke comes in many flavours, sizes, and varieties (much the same as socks... hopefully sans flavour). So go grab a can/cup/bottle/mug/liter/jug of your favourite kind of Coke (Hint: It's Original), wriggle out of your socks (it's hard to kick socks off, plus i wanted to save the verb 'kick' for this next step, and kick (see?) back/relax to truly enjoy the day.
Thanks for reading!
Vanilla Coke and Lime Coke are also acceptable choices. Diet, too I guess. My dad tells me that Coke and Diet Coke are outselling regular Pepsi. Fun fact?
Saturday, May 7, 2011
Lamb Paste
Today is Paste-Up Day! This celebration is aimed at anyone who works in industries like newspaper, magazines, or anything that involves typeset and illustration. I used to have a subscription to Nintendo Power when I was younger, and loved it because it was all that I needed to know without me having to search the internet for each individual article. I do NOT want to see newspapers and magazines be 'outdated' by the internet, which is one of their main fears. So go do them a favour and purchase some hard copies of your favourite paper or magazine, and maybe even think about getting a subscription.
Today is also National Roast Leg of Lamb Day! Now, I learned last year in Wales that lamb is delicious. When I saw this holiday coming up, I got pretty excited because it gives me an excuse to both have it again, and to try making it on my own. If there were a restaurant that I knew served lamb, I would be going today, to be quite honest, so instead I'm settling for making it on my own. I've already found mint sauce, which is what they gave us as a delicious, yet optional addition in Wales, so in my beginner-cook mind, I'm already half-way there.
Thanks for reading!
Today is also National Roast Leg of Lamb Day! Now, I learned last year in Wales that lamb is delicious. When I saw this holiday coming up, I got pretty excited because it gives me an excuse to both have it again, and to try making it on my own. If there were a restaurant that I knew served lamb, I would be going today, to be quite honest, so instead I'm settling for making it on my own. I've already found mint sauce, which is what they gave us as a delicious, yet optional addition in Wales, so in my beginner-cook mind, I'm already half-way there.
Thanks for reading!
Friday, May 6, 2011
Free Refill
Today is Beverage Day! Over the year, we've seen a LOT of food holidays, but not very many days dedicated to any particular drink. Today is just vague enough to allow everyone to include themselves, too. Whether you like Coke from a can, Iced Tea in a cool glass, or a glass bottle of J2O because that's one of the best bottled beverages in existence but they only sell them in the UK and you are having withdrawals... *ahem*... then you can celebrate this holiday. I'll most likely be celebrating with water, juice, and tea (iced peach tea in the day and hot chamomile at night) because I'm trying to not drink coke as often as I did when i was younger. I could power through a case of coke in 1 or 2 days. Which isn't good for an 8 year old. So, enjoy your favourite beverage today!
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Thanks for reading!
Thursday, May 5, 2011
Nuttin' Bedda'
Today is National Hoagie Day! A 'hoagie' is a term for a large sandwich (usually a sub from what i've seen) that is usually used in Philly. That is what google tells me about the term, anyway. I already knew there were a lot of names for sub sandwiches like grinders, hoagies, and i've even heard train-wreck once? But that guy was weird. However, since today is "Hoagie" day and not "Sub" Day (Which we already had btw), I think I'll go purchase and subsequently eat a Philly Cheesesteak.
Thanks for reading!
Thanks for reading!
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
A-peel-ing Snacks
Today is National Candied Orange Peel Day! You may not know exactly what a candied orange peel is, but if you've had fruitcake, then you've most likely eaten some. It's fairly simple to make some without the fruitcake if you wanted to taste their flavour alone. Just peel strips of the orange peel off, boil them, wash them, boil them again, wash them again, boil some sugar into some water, add the peels, wait a little bit (somewhere under half an hour), take the peels out, let them dry for about an hour, dip 'em in chocolate, put 'em in the fridge, let the chocolate harden, eat 'em. Simple right? Is actually is and can probably be done in just around an hour and a half total. It's almost... TOO easy... I'm gonna go make some for breakfast. Breakfast is always better when it involves sugar. And chocolate. Don't judge me, there's oranges in it, too!
Thanks for reading!
I'm proud of myself for using that title pun on a day that wasn't about bananas, by the way.
Thanks for reading!
I'm proud of myself for using that title pun on a day that wasn't about bananas, by the way.
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
Rugged Day
Today is Lumpy Rug Day! It is apparently a day to celebrate rugs that are not lumpy! Which is kind of misleading. Here I was looking ahead at my calendar thinking "My, what a strange and fantastically unique holiday to celebrate such a random item. AND the random item has such an odd adjective attached to it." when in reality the day celebrates the opposite of what it says. However, under the current circumstances of my home having recently obtained new rugs, I choose to celebrate their lumpiness and ability to trip you randomly. For some reason, rugs are not packaged in such a way that they are already flat when you purchase them. They are almost always lumpy, or at least bumpy. In case you don't know the difference, bumpiness is like a ripple while lumpiness is like moguls.
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Thanks for reading!
Monday, May 2, 2011
On Fire
Today is Fire Day! I found very little information about this specific day online, but I'm fairly sure I can figure it out. I would think that it is a day to celebrate the coolest (not literally) element (classical, not periodical) there is. Fire does many things... or rather it does few things, but those things have a large plethora of uses. Now before all you arsonists and pyromaniacs go crazier than normal, I'm going to have to ask that you keep your fiery celebrations under control. Don't light a forest or house or small mammal on fire. Keep it to things that are safe while still being able to be amazed by the fire as it crackles. Did you know that the amount of fire directly relates to how many people are involved? It's true. Here's some facts I made up, but should be taken without question:
Bonfire: Huge party on a hill with tons of people
Campfire: Pow-wow of small friends reminiscing
Fire in a grill: Family picnic
Fireplace: Two people having a serious conversation about life
One candle on a table: All that is needed to perfectly set the mood for a dinner that is otherwise lit by the burning love of two star-crossed lovers whose hearts shall surely be aflame for all eternity.
Whoa... Sorry. Didn't mean to get all poetic on you. It just happens sometimes.
Thanks for reading!
Bonfire: Huge party on a hill with tons of people
Campfire: Pow-wow of small friends reminiscing
Fire in a grill: Family picnic
Fireplace: Two people having a serious conversation about life
One candle on a table: All that is needed to perfectly set the mood for a dinner that is otherwise lit by the burning love of two star-crossed lovers whose hearts shall surely be aflame for all eternity.
Whoa... Sorry. Didn't mean to get all poetic on you. It just happens sometimes.
Thanks for reading!
Sunday, May 1, 2011
Rhino and Goose
Today is Mother Goose Day! Mother Goose is pretty much the mother (haha) of all fairy tales. Or at least the ones that don't involve the vicious tearing apart of the lives of people both innocent or guilty with very little discretion. (I'm looking at you Grimm Fairy Tales!) Spend some time today reading your favourite tale from Mother Goose. Even better: find a small child that has been as of yet deprived of such tales, and retell them to him/her as best as you can remember them. It's okay if it isn't perfect. The personal touch is what makes fairy tales so... well... personal.
Today is also Save the Rhino Day! I wasn't aware that the rhino was in any danger. Now I am though! That's pretty much the gist of this holiday. If you want to help rhinos survive life, then donate to a charity that puts money towards the cause of trying to crack down on all the poaching thats going on. Poaching is one of the biggest problems when it comes to animals going extinct. It's rarely ever nature's fault. Usually ours. So it's basically us doing all the harm. In case you were unaware, that also puts the blame on us. I don't know about you, but I don't like being blamed. And I DO like rhinos. So try to find a way to help 'em out. That is all.
Thanks for reading!
Today is also Save the Rhino Day! I wasn't aware that the rhino was in any danger. Now I am though! That's pretty much the gist of this holiday. If you want to help rhinos survive life, then donate to a charity that puts money towards the cause of trying to crack down on all the poaching thats going on. Poaching is one of the biggest problems when it comes to animals going extinct. It's rarely ever nature's fault. Usually ours. So it's basically us doing all the harm. In case you were unaware, that also puts the blame on us. I don't know about you, but I don't like being blamed. And I DO like rhinos. So try to find a way to help 'em out. That is all.
Thanks for reading!
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