Saturday, July 2, 2011

Visiting Lizzy

Today is Visitation of the Virgin Mary Day! Today is a day that celebrates the day when the Virgin Mary visited her cousin Elizabeth. Mary was pregnant with Jesus while Elizabeth was pregnant with John the Baptist. Elizabeth blessed Mary and her unborn child, and John jumped around in Elizabeth's womb. This isn't really a major religious holiday, but it's still viewed by a number of churches (most catholic). It's also celebrated by one of the most time honored celebrations in existence: Feasting. I don't see any specifics as to what is in the feast, so I'm to assume that (since it was a holiday created in the medieval days) it's mostly meat and drink. Feasting, in my opinion, is by far the best way to celebrate. It's simple, it's easy, and it's fun. What's great about a feast is the variety. Anybody can be involved! Vegetarian? Salad! Carnivore? Steak! Normal person? EVERYTHING!

Regardless of what you eat today, remember the spirit of the holiday. Try reading into the event and seeing what significance you can find in it to take away. (Trust me, you'll always find something to take away). The biblical references for the event are: Luke 1:41 (That's the exact verse, but read the whole chapter for context ( 'cause context is good for you))

Thanks for reading!