Today is National Tap Dance Day! Today was made in honor of Bill "Bojangles" Robinson, who is probably best known for his dancing with Shirley Temple. Tap dancing has always been something that I've wanted to be able to do. When I was bored as a child I would stomp around trying to make a beat, and when i found out about tap dancing via the Cosby show, I started trying to lightly tap my feet around our kitchen's hardwood floors. It doesn't work too well with sneakers and no training, though. Then, when we went to the movies, there was a "Celebrity Trivia Fact" about Jim Carrey saying that he used to wear tap shoes to bed just in case his parents needed cheering up in the middle of the night. Jim was pretty much my favourite actor, and actually probably still is, so that was a huge boost in my want to learn how to tap. Perhaps someday I'll be able to have the time and money to try out some classes, but for now I'll just have to stick to tapping with my sneakers.
Thanks for reading!