Today is National Country Music Day! Country Music seems to be one of those genres of music that everyone either loves or hates. A majority of music made in America has it's roots in country, though, so if you aren't careful you might find yourself liking it. Since it's also the fourth day into the month of July, country music is very likely to be played very loudly in big open fields. Or as open as a field can be with hundreds of people standing in a crowded area surrounded by grills, the sun, and later on large explosions in the sky. You might say "Won't that be hot an uncomfortable?". Yyyyep.
Today is also Tom Sawyer Fence-Painting Day! If you haven't read The Adventures of Tom Sawyer or maybe it was just "Tom Sawyer" to you, then you probably won't get this holiday or a lot of references that people make to it on a monthly basis in the south. The brief explanation is that Tom Sawyer was painting his fence and tricked his friends into painting the fence that he had been tasked with. You can celebrate today in three easy steps.
1) Get work assigned to you.
2) Trick someone else into doing it with your wit and boyish charm
3) Take the day off.
Thanks for reading!